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Face Mask Ultrasonic Welding

Jan. 25, 21

1. What is ultrasonic welding, what functions does it have?

1. Ultrasound refers to the frequency range of sound waves that human hearing can accept. It is about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. When the frequency is higher than 20 kHz, it is called ultrasonic.

2. The function of ultrasound is mainly used in welding machines, cleaning machines, grinding machines, lace making and medical diagnosis. Ultrasonic equipment products of Spower  Automation Equipment mainly have the following applications:

Ultrasonic automatic mask equipment, medical mask automatic production line, beauty cotton automatic equipment, hotel aviation disposable product production equipment and other non-woven deep processing equipment.

Fully automatic mask machine manufacturers briefly explain the questions and answers related to ultrasonic mask equipment.

2. What is the working principle of ultrasonic equipment?

Answer: Ultrasonic is to convert 220V, 60HZ current into 20KHZ high-voltage electric energy, which is converted into mechanical energy by a vibrator, and then to the welding surface through the transmission element, generating super-speed vibration and friction to make it melt at high temperature and pressurized fusion.

3. What are the characteristics of ultrasonic equipment?


1) Fast-fast can increase the workload.

2) Strong-the strength can reach the strength of the original material.

3) Beauty-beautiful, no damage to the surface, no scars.